Monday, August 4, 2014

The Finish Line

This morning I lost my very best friend in the world.
Ryker Lance Dattage was killed this morning at 8:40 in Green Canyon when they assume he fell asleep behind the wheel before crossing lanes of traffic and hitting another truck.
He died instantly.
All I can keep thinking is that I never got to say goodbye.  I hadn't even had a face to face conversation with him since graduation and he was out of town when I moved.
Ryker, you've been my best friend since the third grade.
I'd helped you get your first girlfriend, overcome depression (mine and yours) with you, competed in debate with you as a team mate and a fellow captain, smacked sense into you way too often, and laughed with you way too much.  You used to always call me your second mother because I pushed you so much and held you back so often.
I know I didn't leave America on the best of terms with you and I regret some of the childish things I said but I can't even be mad at you for breaking your promise.

It was you who taught me what it meant to be a friend.  I'll never forget how good of a friend you were to all those around you whenever they needed it.
Remember when Tristan was getting bullied by some kid?  You didn't even hesitate you marched off only knowing the kids extracurricular activity, hair color, and height to stand up for Tristan.  I'll still be mocking you in heaven for pinning the wrong kid to the locker and giving him a piece of your mind.  But it just showed me how someone is supposed to care about their friends.  You would have done anything for the Muchachos and because of that they would have done anything for you.
For the first time in my life I regret not keeping a better journal or taking more pictures.

You taught me what it meant to be proud.
I remember you telling me how proud you were to be a Dattage and how you hoped that you could live up to that name so that someday your kids could be proud of it as well.

You taught me that it's important to listen.
I probably ranted to you about stupid things more than any other person but that was because you always listened.  You always corrected me, cursed with me, or simply sat in silence while I got it out.  I know that you ranted to me just as much and I tried my best to listen but I can't thank you enough anyway.
There are so many 'remember whens' and 'what ifs' that my chest feels like it's going to explode.
But you better know that just because you're gone from here that I'm letting you off the hook.  You better be ready to talk next time I see you.
Because next time I'll listen.
And until then I promise you that I'm going to do my best to live life your way.  To fight for my friends.  To be proud of my family name.  To listen not just to respond but to understand people.  To notice the small, beautiful moments.  To love whatever I do.
I promise.
I'll see you at the finish line Ryk.

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