Friday, August 1, 2014

Imperfectly Beautiful

I’ve really been thinking a lot about different things and I found this quote the other day that just made everything better. “Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful.”  Sometimes in this life we get so focused on everything that we should be doing or everything that could go wrong, or we get set in a certain way of doing things that we miss out on what Heavenly Father has planned for us.  
Life is beautiful.  
Why would we want to miss a second of it?  
Sometimes you we will mess up.  Sometimes we burn three pie crusts in one day simply trying to make an American Pie for someone as a thank you.  Sometimes the little brother deletes your homework.  Sometimes you scrape your knee.  Lock yourself out.  Misinterpret something.  Forget a birthday.  Fall and tear your pants.  Quote a scripture mastery wrong.  There will always, always, always be mistakes.  '
The trick is to smile, laugh, and find the beauty. 

Because sometimes it’s the flaws that make something beautiful.  
Sometimes it’s the sticky, grubby card that a sibling makes for you.  Sometimes it’s the flower missing it’s petals that stands out the most.  Sometimes the scrapes, bruises, and worn parts are what make something valuable and treasonable.  

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