Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Moonlit Sanctuary

Shawnie had her birthday here a few weeks ago which was absolutely amazing.  Since we can’t really take much home with us when we leave we are trying to focus holidays on gifts in the form of memories or experiences so for her birthday we went down onto the peninsula and spent a few days in a beach house, since it's spring here (a weird notion to think of November as spring). 
My favorite part of that trip though was on the way there we stopped at a place called “Moonlit Sanctuary.”  It was a place where they had all different kinds of Aussie animals that you could interact with.  I have officially hugged/cuddled a koala.  :D 
However the coolest thing was they had this area in the back where they just had domesticated kangaroos and wallabies wandering around free range and we were able to buy some food and hand feed them.  IT WAS SO COOL!!!
They love the forests here, which while impossible to explain or photograph are extremely beautiful, so you walk through this path in this forest and they are just everywhere sleeping on the sides of the path or following you.  Even Zach was able to hand feed a few. 

Since it’s spring it’s also baby season and at one point I had four wallabies (they are like mini kangaroos) eating out of my hands, three of which had baby joeys hanging out of their pouches!

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