Sunday, March 13, 2016

Time Simply Flies

I've always hated the question "Where do you see yourself in five years?"  because most of the time I can't even see where I'll be in five days, sometimes not even five minutes.  Life changes and moves so fast and suddenly you're ninety looking back and wondering where time went.  Or it's nine o'clock at night and you're wondering where the day went.  They say that time flies when you're having fun... but I think time just flies.

Sometimes I pause and I think about how crazy it is that suddenly I've been home from Australia for 8 months and in two I'll be leaving to serve the Lord for 18.  It seems just yesterday I was walking down the board walk in Geelong, but at the same time, it's an eternity ago.  I said I wasn't the same person who left when I came home from Australia, but now I'm also not the same person who came back.  

I have grown so much these last few months.    

It has been wonderful and crazy.  I have made friends, lost friends, broken down, and grown stronger, and I have recognized the importance of knowing myself.  

I might not know where I'll be going, but I know where I am.

And in the scope of time...  That's what I think matters.

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